The Lower Elementary Program
For children ages 6 – 9 (grades 1, 2, and 3), is centered on reason, relationships and community. These children work together and make choices. Self-confidence is enhanced with new challenges and, in collaboration with the teacher, multiple levels of learning take place, maximizing the individual potential of each child. Each child works at their own rate and pace. Homework begins in lower elementary with reading, math and language arts and the primary goal of homework in our elementary program is to establish a habit of setting aside time for intellectual pursuits. Homework varies per level.

- Children learn to read with proficiency
- Alphabet sounds
- Long vowels and phonograms
- Correct expression
- Punctuation
- Synonyms, homonyms, antonyms
- Simple nomenclature, sight reading
- Grammar boxes
- Prefixes, suffixes and root words
- Sentence analysis
- Research
Skill development:
- Coordination for print letters
- Cursive handwriting
- Sounding out short vowel words
- Building long vowel words
- Use of the dictionary
- Reading comprehension
- Phonetic reading parts of speech
- Spelling and dictation
- Creative writing and composition


Social Studies
- Classified nomenclature of geography
- Capitals Puzzle maps: study of countries
- The history of the needs of man
- Flags
- The charts: fundamental needs of man
- Timeline of development of life
- Countries
- Memorization of maps of continents
- History of development of life and man Civic responsibilities
- Puzzle maps: flags and capitals
- History of one’s country

Children develop a solid understanding of basic math functions, going from concrete understanding to abstract understanding.
- Static addition, multiplication, subtraction, division with golden beads
- Dynamic addition, multiplication, subtraction, division with golden beads
- Products of binomials
- Memorization of addition, multiplication, subtraction, division combinations
- Multiples and divisors with pegs
- Simple and complex operations with fractions
- Long division
- Power with beads, squares and cubes
- Fraction equivalents
- Long additions with carrying
- Large subtractions
- Complex operations with fractions
- Concepts of multiple
- Concept of divisor
- Highest common divisor
- Fraction equivalents
- Binomial operations
- Concept of square root
- Word problems/problem solving
- Lowest common multiplier
- Measurements

- First series of construct triangles
- The geometry cabinet
- Types of lines with box of sticks
- Types of angles with box of sticks
- Sensorial work with areas
- Complete classification of triangles
- Polygons with the box of sticks
- The Montessori protractor
- Second series of constructive triangles
- The classified nomenclatures of geometry:
- Identification of geometric shapes
- Classification of lines
- Classification of angles
- Classification of triangles
- Measuring angles
- Nomenclature of the polygons
- Study of equivalence
- Study of similarity
- Study of congruency
- Computation of area
Wow! This school is a perfect fit for our family. My daughter missed kindergarten cut off by a couple weeks, I was on the fence to send her prior to kindergarten. I went for a school tour, then a observation day and was sold. This has been a great first week. She is all smiles telling us story after story about her day, looking forward to the next. Thank you SQ!
My son just graduated 8th grade from Summit-Questa Montessori School and I couldn’t be more proud, thankful & prepared for high school! My son got an exceptional education, his growth was amazing to watch unfold in this kind, loving & supportive community! I never had the privilige to attend a private or a Montessori school, but I see the difference and I am so thankful my son did! Thank you Ms. Judy & all your amazing teachers & staff! We will miss you all very much! xoxox
Great school. My daughter is incredibly happy. Teachers really care for children. In addition, they always have wonderful field trips.