Questa Mission Statement 2020 – 2021
Our Mission at Summit-Questa Montessori School is to provide a positive, caring, healthy and nurturing environment on campus and online for all our peers within this difficult time. We want an environment which reinforces positive behavior and educates, supports and prepares us through the Montessori method to become citizens of the world.
Students at Summit-Questa Montessori School will become responsible digital citizens who know how to utilize the learning potential of digital media in a 24/7 connected world and during Covid-19. Children at Summit-Questa are able to experience first-hand this diversity and its value in a safe, Montessori environment. This mission not only extends to our online presence but also on campus. Our goals are to create students who use online tools safely, effectively, ethically, and respectfully.
Summit-Questa students will foster an environment where all students excel academically, socially, and emotionally through collaborative efforts of our community, students and teachers.
Our community makes decisions together, everyone will be actively involved in an environment that enhances learning. Students will demonstrate the social skills necessary to act responsibly in the school and as a community.
It is always our aim to even further develop a sense of compassion and understanding for others and to become intellectual, social, emotional, and physical well-rounded students to thrive further after middle school.
In all of this, we want to focus this year on our school slogan:
“Stay safe, stay strong and we will prevail”