“…success [in music education] is bound up with the need for the production
of plenty of music around the child, so that there is set up an environment
calculated to develop musical sense and intelligence.”
—Maria Montessori, The Discovery of the Child
We are so proud of one of our amazing music teachers at Summit-Questa! Ms. Sandra was honored with an invitation from the AMI Archive Library in Amsterdam to review the music documentation by Dr. Montessori and her followers. This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and it was offered because of Ms. Sandra’s passion for music, and her desire to expand Dr. Montessori’s original goals for music in the Montessori classroom. We are proud to share with you a video of her journey.
Music education in Montessori is the idea that every child has potential and all children are able to learn and express themselves musically. Music makes them feel happy, enhances their literacy, math skills and overall brain development. It can also improve their overall academic performance. Hence, music is an important component in Summit-Questa. We model music elements in our daily life, offer playing instruments and encourage families to include music at home. Our students are given the opportunity to actively experience music and movement in every classroom
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