This is what makes the difference between our school and others. Our 8th grade students are having the time of their lives. Not only are they graduating next week, but there is just so much more than graduating at Summit-Questa Montessori School. Yesterday, we had our famous Spirit Naming Ceremony.

At this ceremony, each of our 8th grade students receives their Spirit Name from an elder, in this case, Ms. Judy. This traditional ceremony relates back to Ms. Judy’s husband, who has a Native American background. A Spirit Name fosters their ancestral connection through the land, the animals, the air, and the water. This non-religious ceremony is not only a bonding with our community, but it is also important for a new, good beginning and acknowledges the importance of friends and family in their lives.

#graduation #endofschoolyear #friends #spiritnaming #grads #ceremonies #8thgraders #8thgradegraduation #toddler #toddlerdavie #senses #community #montessoricommunity #education #browardmontessori #schoolsinbroward #coopercity #daviefl #davie #weston #westonfl #teaching #montessori #montessoriflorida #montessoriofinstagram #hollywoodfl #privatschoolsdavie #lowerelementary #ami #ams
