SQMS 2025-2026 Tuition

Summit-Questa Montessori School
Fee Schedule

Class Hours Annual Tuition Option 1
Annual Payment – Due 8/1/25
(net of $850 deposit)
Option 2
Semi-Annual – Due 8/1/25 & 12/1/25
(net of $850 deposit)
Option 3
10-Month Plan – Beginning 8/1/25 Ending 5/1/26
(net of $850 deposit)
 Toddler to 12:15  8:10 to  12:15  $15,000.00  $14,150.00 due 8/1/25  $7,075.00 due 8/1/25; $7,075.00 due 12/1/25  $1,415.00  Per month
 Toddler Full Day  8:10 to  3:00  $17,300.00  $16,450.00 due 8/1/25  $8,225.00 due 8/1/25; $8,225.00 due 12/1/25  $1,645.00  Per month
 Preschool to 12:15 (Available for PK3 Only)  8:00 to  12:15  $14,100.00  $13,250.00 due 8/1/25  $6,625.00 due 8/1/25; $6,625.00 due 12/1/25  $1,325.00  Per month
 Preschool Full Day  8:00 to   2:30  $16,200.00  $15,350.00 due 8/1/25  $7,675.00 due 8/1/25; $7,675.00 due 12/1/25  $1,535.00  Per month
 Kindergarten  8:00 to   2:30  $17,000.00  $16,150.00 due 8/1/25  $8,075.00 due 8/1/25; $8,075.00 due 12/1/25  $1,615.00  Per month
 Lower Elem. Grades 1,2,3  8:10 to 2:50  $18,050.00  $17,200.00 due 8/1/25  $8,600.00 due 8/1/25; $8,600.00 due 12/1/25  $1,720.00  Per month
 Upper Elem. Grades 4,5,6  8:20 to 3:10  $18,650.00  $17,800.00 due 8/1/25  $8,900.00 due 8/1/25; $8,900.00 due 12/1/25  $1,780.00  Per month
 Middle School Grades 6,7,8  8:35 to 3:50  $18,900.00  $18,050.00 due 8/1/25  $9,025.00 due 8/1/25; $9,025.00 due 12/1/25  $1,805.00  Per month

Additional Fees

Hours Annual Payment Monthly Payment Daily Rate
 Before Care  Not available for toddlers  7:00 a.m.  $1,900.00  $190.00  $15.00
 After Care  Not available for toddlers  Ends at 5:45 p.m.  $4,000.00  $400.00  $25.00
 Bus Service*  One Way  Minimum of 8 students required to operate the bus service  $2,700.00  $270.00  $20.00 per trip
 Bus Service*  Round Trip  Minimum of 8 students required to operate the bus service  $4,200.00  $420.00  $25.00 per day

* (Not available for Toddler or Preschool students)

Enrollment Fees

The fee to enroll is $1,600.00 (Registration Fee of $750.00 and Tuition Deposit of $850.00). These fees are nonrefundable and nontransferable. The nonrefundable and nontransferable Tuition Deposit is credited toward Student’s annual 2025-26 tuition.


  1. Application Fee $200.00– Nonrefundable, due with completed application.
  2. Registration/Book Fee $750.00 – Nonrefundable, nontransferable, due upon enrollment.
  3. Tuition Deposit $850.00 – Nonrefundable, nontransferable, due upon enrollment and deducted from your annual
  4. Security Fee $475.00-Nonrefundable, due August 1, 2025. The security fee is used to assist in the costs associated
    with maintaining a safe environment for our students and staff including annual staff training, communications,
    security cameras, radios, exterior PA system, student pickup system along with an armed and unarmed security guards,
    traffic patrol (as needed).
    Safety Also included in this fee is the environmental safety of our staff and students which includes maintaining our
    air purifying systems and disinfecting and sanitizing equipment.
  5. Annual Activity Fee $350.00 due August 1, 2025. The Activity Fee covers the cost of holiday events for the children
    i.e. Thanksgiving Feast /Art Walk ( the event includes the student’s parents, siblings, sibling’s spouse and grandparents)-
    $20.00 per person for additional people attending (i.e. aunts, uncles, friends, cousins, etc.), student events
    (including parents, siblings and grandparents), Yearbook Fee (one copy per student; each additional book $75.00), with
    the remaining balance going to other holiday and special events held on campus. FUND RAISERS ARE NOT
  6.  Student Program FeeA campus facility fee used to offset costs associated with music/fine arts/playgrounds/
    pool/fields, gymnasium and communication expenses. The fee structure is as follows: Toddler $140.00;
    EarlyChildhood $275.00; Kindergarten $285.00; Lower $370.00,· Upper/Middle $450.00.
  7.  Chromebook (grades 6-8): Due July 1- $690.00 (first year of middle school includes chromebook, setup, warranty,
    and educational licenses); Year 2 & 3 – $190.00 Management Fee which includes maintaining current educational
    and monitoring licenses. Power cord replacement cost $25.00.
  8.  Volunteer Hours Parents may choose from the following: Option 1 – complete a minimum of 1O service hours or
    Option 2 – pay $350.00 in lieu of fulfilling their required service hours.
  9.  Field Trip Fees The cost of the field trip fund will vary per class level. Students do not go on field trips until
    Kindergarten. Please note that these are approximate costs and may change slightly. Field trips include day trips,
    overnight trips, extended Upper and Middle School trips and the Ropes Course in Middle School. {Does not include
    Montessori Model United Nation Student Conferences.) Field trips are an important part of the Montessori Program.
    Additional information and permission slips will be provided when these trips are scheduled.

    – Kindergarten $200.00 due July 1, 2025
    – Lower Elementary (Grades 1 & 2) $260.00 due July 1, 2025
    – Lower Elementary (Grade 3) $280.00 due July 1, 2025
    -Upper Elementary (Grade 4) $900.00 $450.00 due July 1;     $450.00 November 1
    -Upper Elementary (Grades 5 &6) $925.00 $462.50 due July 1;      $462.50 November 1
    -Middle School (Grades 6, 7) $2,000.00 $1,000.00 due July 1;   $1,000.00 November 1
    -Middle School (Grade 8 $3,250.00 $1,625.00 due July 1;    $1,625.00 November 1
  10.  Graduation Fee Kindergarten-$75.00; 8th Grade Graduates-$225.00Due August 1″
  11.  Aftercare Late Pick-up Fee per student: 6:01-6:15 p.m.- $25.00 per student ; 6:16-6:30 p.m. – $50.00 per student ;
    6:31-6:45 p.m. – $75.00. Students picked up after 6:00 0n a regular basis will not be able to continue enrollment in
    the after school program.
  12.  After School Athletics Soccer, Basketball, Volleyball, Swim, Track, Cross Country, etc. (extra fee-price varies per
    sporting activity). Estimated cost $300-$325 per sport.

SQMS 2024-2025 Tuition

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Summit-Questa Montessori School
2024-2025 Fee Schedule

Class Class Hours Annual Tuition Option 1 (Annual Payment) Option 2 (Semi-Annual) Option 3 (10-Month Plan)
Toddler to 12:15 8:10 to 12:15 $14,000.00 $13,150.00 due 8/1/24 $6,575.00 due 8/1/24; $6,575.00 due 12/1/24 $1,315.00 per month
Toddler Full Day 8:10 to 3:00 $16,500.00 $15,650.00 due 8/1/24 $7,825.00 due 8/1/24; $7,825.00 due 12/1/24 $1,565.00 per month
Preschool to 12:15 8:00 to 12:15 $13,100.00 $12,250.00 due 8/1/24 $6,125.00 due 8/1/24; $6,125.00 due 12/1/24 $1,225.00 per month
Preschool Full Day 8:00 to 2:30 $15,400.00 $14,550.00 due 8/1/24 $7,275.00 due 8/1/24; $7,275.00 due 12/1/24 $1,455.00 per month
Kindergarten 8:00 to 2:30 $16,200.00 $15,350.00 due 8/1/24 $7,675.00 due 8/1/24; $7,675.00 due 12/1/24 $1,535.00 per month
Lower Elem. Grades 1,2,3 8:10 to 2:50 $17,150.00 $16,300.00 due 8/1/24 $8,150.00 due 8/1/24; $8,150.00 due 12/1/24 $1,630.00 per month
Upper Elem. Grades 4,5,6 8:20 to 3:10 $17,850.00 $17,000.00 due 8/1/24 $8,500.00 due 8/1/24; $8,500.00 due 12/1/24 $1,700.00 per month
Middle School Grades 6,7,8 8:35 to 3:50 $18,250.00 $17,400.00 due 8/1/24 $8,700.00 due 8/1/24; $8,700.00 due 12/1/24 $1,740.00 per month

Additional Fees

Service Details Hours Annual Payment Monthly Payment Daily Rate
Before Care Not available for toddlers 7:00 a.m. $1,750.00 $175.00 $15.00
After Care Not available for toddlers Ends at 5:45 p.m. $3,800.00 $380.00 $25.00
Bus Service* One Way Minimum of 8 students required $2,500.00 $250.00 $15.00 per trip
Bus Service* Round Trip Minimum of 8 students required $3,900.00 $390.00 $20.00 per day

* Not available for Toddler or Preschool students

Enrollment Fees

The fee to enroll is $1,600.00 (Registration Fee of $750.00 and Tuition Deposit of $850.00). These fees are nonrefundable and nontransferable. The nonrefundable and nontransferable Tuition Deposit is credited toward the Student’s annual 2024-25 tuition.


  • Application Fee – $200.00 – Nonrefundable, due with completed application.
  • Registration/Book Fee – $750.00 – Nonrefundable, nontransferable, due upon enrollment.
  • Tuition Deposit – $850.00 – Nonrefundable, nontransferable, due upon enrollment and deducted from your annual tuition.
  • Security Fee – $425.00 – Nonrefundable, due August 1, 2024.
  • Annual Activity Fee – $330.00 due August 1, 2024.
  • Student Program Fee – Toddler $125.00; Early Childhood $250.00; Kindergarten $260.00; Lower $350.00; Upper/Middle $430.00.
  • Chromebook (grades 6-8): Due July 1 – $650.00 (first year of middle school); Year 2 & 3 – $175.00 Management Fee.
  • Volunteer Hours – Option 1: Complete a minimum of 10 service hours, or Option 2: Pay $350.00 in lieu of service hours.
  • Field Trip Fees – Vary per class level.
– Kindergarten $200.00 due July 1, 2024
– Lower Elementary (Grades 1 & 2) $260.00 due July 1, 2024
– Lower Elementary (Grade 3) $280.00 due July 1, 2024
– Upper Elementary (Grade 4) $900.00 $450.00 due July 1; $450.00 due November 1
– Upper Elementary (Grades 5 & 6) $925.00 $462.50 due July 1; $462.50 due November 1
– Middle School (Grades 6, 7) $2,000.00 $1,000.00 due July 1; $1,000.00 due November 1
– Middle School (Grade 8) $3,250.00 $1,625.00 due July 1; $1,625.00 due November 1
  • Graduation Fee – Kindergarten $75.00; 8th Grade Graduates $225.00 – Due August 1
  • Aftercare Late Pick-up Fee per student: 6:01-6:15 p.m. – $25.00; 6:16-6:30 p.m. – $50.00; 6:31-6:45 p.m. – $75.00
  • After School Athletics – Estimated cost $300-$325 per sport.

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